The Elders of a church have very specific duties described by the Bible. They are to help settle disputes in the church, pray for the sick, manage the church in humility, watch out for the spiritual life of the flock and to spend their time in prayer and teaching the word. (See Acts 15:1-2, James 5:14, I Peter 5:1-4, Hebrews 13:17 and Act 6:2-4)
Above all else Elders must be loving in the way they deal with the issues that come up as they direct the flock. They must lead, feed, and protect the body of believers. If you have any questions, please feel free to click here to send one of the Elders a message or request a visit.
Left to Right:
Russ Ward, Chris Naegele, Jim Siefert, Mike Austin, Paul Hines